Customer Reviews
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Customer Reviews

Welcome to our Reviews Page, where the voices of our cherished customers echo the true essence of dining at On De Roof. Embark on a virtual journey through the eyes of our satisfied patrons, and consider adding your voice to the chorus of those who have discovered the unique charm of On De Roof. Your experience matters, and we can’t wait to hear about it!

Tasty food, good place for people who like non veg. Roof top restaurant. Ideal place for a date, family with kids or to go with friends. Opens till 2:30 am is a plus.

Sanjitha Sumaiya R

The food was really good and gave a nice roof top experience apart from the crowd even on a week day.
They didn't confirm our reservation on the dine out app as they said they took reservations only for party packages and the dining was walk-in and on a first come first serve basis.
Otherwise, the staff were really good and served well. A decent place to hang out for dinner or evening date!

Tia Kaba

I totally loved the place... The ambience of the restaurant is very romantic at night as it is at the roof top, each table has a electric candle, food and service is also excellent I will recommend this place to couples, the Aldo have private cabins and they also make decore for celebrating birthdays. Simply awesome, loved the place.

Minu Manikandan

Roof top restaurant at Anna Nagar. Very good atmosphere and arrangements. Lots of family and friends celebrating Birthday parties and enjoying good times. We attended a Wedding Anniversary party. Food was good and the service very good. Especially very neat arrangement. The only problem is parking. However they managed well.

Janardanan Gopal